Why to train your dog?
Training a dog may be a daunting task to humans. Is it really worth it? Should you train your dog? Should you train your puppy? Can you teach an old dog new tricks? And the list goes on...
My short answer is: YES! Regardless of how young or how old your dog is, training them is an invaluable and timeless asset for bettering your relationship and fulfilling both of your lives.
Training a dog means you will spend more quality time with them by being engaged and present at the moment. Their quality of life will increase significantly because their brains will engage in a fulfilling and challenging activity.
Who doesn't like to win a challenge? Or to feel useful? To have a purpose?
So, just like you, your dog also likes that.
By training your dog, you will not only make your life easier because your dog will actually listen to you, but your dog will also learn how to behave in a society created by humans, you will definitely feel more joy in sharing special moments together.